Power Armor (6)
Gasaraki is a later series directed by the same guy, Ryosuke Takahashi , that directed AT Votoms (among other things). it concerns 2 different weapons contractors that make "Tactical Armors" . Again, like Votoms, these are in effect legged tanks. The Ishtar Metal Fake II looks especially tanklike in its "head" design. These are more true to the power armor designation than the Armored Troopers of Votoms. The wearer enters through the back, and "see" via a VR helmet and external cameras. This allows a strong design featuring no windows. Similar to the SAFS (Super Armor Fighting Suits) from Maschinen Krieger (see also below). Gasaraki is a bit slow-moving, and has lots of drama. But a more realsitic mecha show would be hard to find. As realistic as the Tactical Armors are, there is also a strange mystical element to the storyline , which honestly seems a bit out of place in my opinion. Overall, a very good series with some amazing and cool mecha (not just the TAs either. The command APC is great!).
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