Power Armor (5)
Armored Trooper Votoms . What can be said? This is a personal favorite of mine, and one of the early "Real Robot" shows that were inspired by the success of Mobile Suit Gundam . If Gundam brought the cartoony Super Robots of the 1970s to a more realistic level, Votoms one-upped Gundam by a large margin. A darker and more gritty story, with even more ambiguous "sides" fighting each other. The primary weapon is a small armored suit called an Armored Trooper or AT. These are basically small, upright tanks for all intents and purposes. They too were manufactured by different factions and in varying configurations for different conditions/terrains. There is even a space-use backpack thruster set for teh "main" AT in the series, the Scopedog, called the "Round Mover" due to it's use in 3D space movement.
The ATs are not strictly "worn" in the normal powered armor sense. The pilot sits in the "chest" and does in fact "drive" the AT. The general size and untility of the At (and my fellings towards this series!) made me decide to let this one slide. A great series, with a couple spinoffs. That is sadly Out of print on DVD in North America at this time.
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