Book Bombardment 4
---Comet--- Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan
First off, a confession. I had not read anything by Sagan until last year, when I got a used copy of the large-format illustrated Cosmos. I now count that book among the best I have ever read. I honestly believe every living person should read it. Now, with that said, I just recently got a used copy (same large-format, illustrated) of Comet, also by Sagan and co-authored by his wife Ann Druyan. Comet is a very interesting book. I didn't think I'd like it at first, and thought 'Is there even enough to write about comets to fill a book this size?'. The answer is yes! We start in early history, and learn about the long traditon of viewing comets as 'bad omens', especially for those in power. Later of course, it is determined that comets are really more like 'dirty snowballs' than any kind of magical or divine item. Anyway, definately recommended, although I think Cosmos is better. If you loved Cosmos, check this one out as well. If you didn't love Cosmos, go away.