The Cobra maneuver is a pretty impressive display of "supermaneuverability". Some facts of it are detailed here:
It was first performed by Russian air force test pilot Viktor Pugachev. Interview with him here:
And despite what he says about the Cobra aiding to wipe out any other craft in a first attack, I'd say that could be true. IF the two planes are shooting bullets at each other. Sadly (for the Cobra) plane-to-plane dogfights basically don't occur except in flight training these days. Most actual airborne combat is all missile nowadays. The combatants may not even have visual contact, relying on powerful radar and long range missiles. There is also the strong possibility that in the near future rich countries like (for now) USA may use more Unmanned Aerial Vehicles:
Nonetheless (provided they can get foreign buyers), OKB (Opytnoe Konstructorskoe Byuro- "Experimental Design Bureau") Sukhoi has made a pretty amazing plane in the Su-37:
...that I'm sure they would love to sell.
Anyway, I have gone link crazy since I figured out how to put them in here. Also, a bit of a disclaimer: I am not in the military, and no one in my family is military. I don't like fighting, and I think war is a bad idea. Sadly, since I am a fan of jets and our crazy "leadership" in USA still thinks military spending is more important than anything else (and reflexively many of our past or present "enemies" [economic or otherwise] have responded in kind by spending as much as they could bear on weaponey as well. ...Thus, most times the coolest jets are fighting jets. I wish it was otherwise. I would love to see what OKB Sukhoi could do if they didn't have to make military planes. Imagine a stuntplane from Sukhoi. :)